\\ october 2001
Verdures Méditerranéennes – Nevers, Maison de la Culture 2001
“Verdures Méditerranéennes” exhibition with Jean-Marc Manteau, Maison de La Culture de Nevers et de la Nièvre, october-november 2001. This exhibition was supported by the Nevers MCNN, the City of Nevers, by Confluences, by the Province of Burgundy FAS and FIV … Read more
\\ august 2001
le Jardin de Jessé – Hédé Théâtre de Poche Festival
Installation at Hédé city dining hall. 2001 Théâtre de Poche Festival. Théâtre de Poche Place de la mairie 35630 Hédé, France www.theatre-de-poche.com